We, the Church militant, must proclaim the love of Christ to the world. While on earth Jesus prepared His Church by giving authority to His disciples and by setting Saint Peter as the Church's head. Most importantly, He gave The Church "The Great Commission": to baptize all nations in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
Photo from http://coinsblog.ws/
Before talking about the money being spent by the Ontario government to promote their evil sex-ed program let's have a quick overview of what is happening.
Times are truly frightening. Satin seems to be having his way.
Consider what happened in the most recent federal and provincial (Ontario) elections:
1) Even though the Ontario Liberal government was embroiled in controversy and scandal the electorate somehow gave them a majority.
2) Federally the Liberals made two "mistakes" that should have cost them the election: 1) their new, (rather) young leader refused to accept anyone with pro-life beliefs as a candidate and 2) he promised to give us a few years of deficit budgets.
They, too, won a majority in the federal House of Parliament.
These problems should have given them a minority government at the best. But we are in a spiritual warfare. Logic no longer matters. Evil keeps winning even when people ought to know better.
In Ontario THIS is happening.
Part of the controversial program includes "Gender theory" is going to be compulsory to be taught in all schools, including Catholic schools. They want to claim that one's gender is 'fluid' throughout one's life and that their can be as many as 63 genders.
From the LifeSite News article:
"Ontario Liberals paid $4 million for TV ads pushing graphic sex-ed curriculum... Education Minister Liz Sandals also reveals she opposed MPPs holding constituency community meetings on contentious the sex-ed curriculum, which was rolled out in Ontario’s publicly funded schools September 2015, and that she was especially concerned the LGBTQ community was satisfied with the sex-ed television ads.The sex-ed curriculum introduces homosexuality in Grade 3, masturbation in Grade 6, oral and anal sex in Grade 7, and teaches that there are six genders rather than two biological sexes, according to a detailed analysis by Campaign Life Coalition."..."The Ontario Liberal government spent $4 million in taxpayers dollars on an online and television advertising campaign in September 2015 to sell its controversial sex-ed curriculum."
Holy Michael archangel,Defend us in the day of battle;Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil.May God rebuke him we humbly pray,And do thou, prince of the heavenly host,By the power of God,Thrust down to hell Satan and all wicked spirits who wander through the worldFor the ruin of souls.Amen.
Here are some wonderful versions of this penitential Lenten hymn -- for your enjoyment and meditation:
Have a blessed Lent!
Have a blessed Lent!
I'm late in posting this for Advent 2015 but I feel compelled to share one of my favourite traditions.
Rather than 'setting up' or 'getting out' the whole creche there's a much more interesting way, one which begins on the first Sunday of Advent and doesn't end until January 6th, the Epiphany of Our Lord.
Week One:
The earth --
Prepare the table for the creche and (after placing some appropriate cloth for a surface) place some rocks around the area. The rocks symbolize all the earth that Our Lord is coming to.
[Note: In addition to this the Three Wise Men can begin their journey to see Jesus. I start them in the east, usually atop the refrigerator.]
Week Two:
Vegetation --
Place real or artificial greenery around the boarders (or inside if you have something small enough). The greenery is to represent all the plant life growing on our planet. The earth, all rock and growing things anxiously await the coming of the Word of God.
Week Three:
Animals --
Now we place the animal figurines that are appropriate for a stable in the creche.
Animal life is very important in the life of Jesus on earth. He is, after all, the very Lamb of God!
Week Four:
People --
On the forth Sunday of Advent finally the human figures arrive on the scene. Here we find Mary and Joseph and the shepherds.
The Three Wise Men are slowly making their way around the house as they follow the star.
Christmas Eve:
Our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST!
Before or after Midnight Mass Jesus is placed in the manger.
Our Lord had arrived!
Epiphany (January 6th):
The Three Wise Men --
The last to arrive on the scene are the Magi after their long journey (from the kitchen to the living room).
Christ is revealed to the world.
The creche is the last Christmas "decoration" I take down each year.
Rather than 'setting up' or 'getting out' the whole creche there's a much more interesting way, one which begins on the first Sunday of Advent and doesn't end until January 6th, the Epiphany of Our Lord.
Week One:
The earth --
Prepare the table for the creche and (after placing some appropriate cloth for a surface) place some rocks around the area. The rocks symbolize all the earth that Our Lord is coming to.
[Note: In addition to this the Three Wise Men can begin their journey to see Jesus. I start them in the east, usually atop the refrigerator.]
Vegetation --
Place real or artificial greenery around the boarders (or inside if you have something small enough). The greenery is to represent all the plant life growing on our planet. The earth, all rock and growing things anxiously await the coming of the Word of God.
Animals --
Now we place the animal figurines that are appropriate for a stable in the creche.
Animal life is very important in the life of Jesus on earth. He is, after all, the very Lamb of God!
People --
On the forth Sunday of Advent finally the human figures arrive on the scene. Here we find Mary and Joseph and the shepherds.
The Three Wise Men are slowly making their way around the house as they follow the star.
Our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST!
Before or after Midnight Mass Jesus is placed in the manger.
Our Lord had arrived!
Image from https://outdoornativitystore.com
The Christmas season now begins.
Epiphany (January 6th):
The Three Wise Men --
The last to arrive on the scene are the Magi after their long journey (from the kitchen to the living room).
Christ is revealed to the world.
Please see
The Hidden Hand behind Bad Catholic Music
This collection of products, however, does not include a hymnal — or anything else — designed to appeal to traditional sensibilities (its Heritage Hymnal is deceptively misnamed). The OCP’s experts never tire of promoting the new, rewriting the old, and inviting you to join them in their quest to “sing a new church into being” (as one of their hit songs urges). The one kind of “new” that the OCP systematically avoids is the new vogue of traditional music that has proved so appealing to young Catholics.The bread and butter of the OCP are the 10,000 music copyrights it owns. It employs a staff of 150, runs year-round liturgy workshops all over the United States, sponsors affiliates in England and Australia, and keeps song-writers all over the English-speaking world on its payroll. In fact, it’s the preferred institutional home of those now-aging “St. Louis Jesuits” who swept out the old in 1969 and, by the mid-1970s, had parishes across the country clapping and strumming and tapping to the beat.
This federal election on October 19th 2015 is a spiritual battle -- one in which I do not see any "holy" outcome.
There is one issue that has been ignored by all federal parties with the exception of Mr. Trudeau's Liberal Party.
Along with the New Democrats and the Greens the Liberals have gone beyond attacking Canadians' right to live.
There is one issue that has been ignored by all federal parties with the exception of Mr. Trudeau's Liberal Party.
Along with the New Democrats and the Greens the Liberals have gone beyond attacking Canadians' right to live.
Anti-abortion candidates need not apply in 2015, Justin Trudeau says
I am not a fan of Steven Harper but he has stood up, at times, to the abortion industry. In 2010 he refused to tie the intrinsic evil of abortion to foreign aid.
Harper government's aid plan omits birth control
Unfortunately Mr. Harper is only interested in staying in power.
Evil is permitted if it allows him to stay in power.
For instance, when MP Mark Warwa tried to introduce a motion on gender-specific abortions he was not allowed to speak.
Here lies the real problem with Canadian politics. I doubt that the other party leaders would behave much differently.
See this article from Maclean's Magazine:
Mark Warawa challenges the soul of our parliamentary democracy
Satan is certainly hard at work, especially since abortion has never been mentioned as an election issue. Muslim women's face coverings have come into play but our fundamental right to life has not.
Come election day take these things to heart. Pray earnestly. Vote with some spiritual guidance, and remember that we cannot vote for intrinsic evil!
Voters Guide of Pro-life Candidates
This list only includes candidates from the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC), Independents and the Christian Heritage Party. There are no supportable pro-life and pro-family candidates running for the Liberals or NDP parties, who require ALL candidates to support abortion-on-demand.
See list HERE
Every now and then, if we listen carefully, God speaks to us while praying the Rosary.
Tonight I received a call from a mother who's daughter is pregnant out of wedlock.
Thus, as I was trying to meditate on the First Glorious Mystery, the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus, my mind wandered onto the sexual immorality so pervasive in today's society.
So often it seems like the Church has lost -- that immorality is being accepted and normalized around the world. Marriage is continually under attack. The making and consuming of pornography is a way of life for many. The twin evils of contraception and abortion are even accepted by some church-going Catholics.
All seems lost ...
Then one considers The Resurrection.
All seemed lot.
Jesus was killed, suffering a torturous and humiliating death on a Roman cross.
Jesus, however, is God.
Although truly dead Jesus rose from death and walked this earth in His glorious and resurrected body until He ascended into heaven in that same body.
God still rules.
No matter how lost things seem to be God is still in control.
Our main role to play?
Personal holiness. Pray and fight for what is right ... and never loose hope.
Dominus vobiscum,
- Reg
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