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Before talking about the money being spent by the Ontario government to promote their evil sex-ed program let's have a quick overview of what is happening.

Times are truly frightening.  Satin seems to be having his way.
Consider what happened in the most recent federal and provincial (Ontario) elections:

1)  Even though the Ontario Liberal government was embroiled in controversy and scandal the electorate somehow gave them a majority.

2)  Federally the Liberals made two "mistakes" that should have cost them the election: 1) their new, (rather) young leader refused to accept anyone with pro-life beliefs as a candidate and 2) he promised to give us a few years of deficit budgets.
They, too, won a majority in the federal House of Parliament.

These problems should have given them a minority government at the best.  But we are in a spiritual warfare.  Logic no longer matters.  Evil keeps winning even when people ought to know better.

In Ontario THIS is happening.
Part of the controversial program includes "Gender theory" is going to be compulsory to be taught in all schools, including Catholic schools.  They want to claim that one's gender is 'fluid' throughout one's life and that their can be as many as 63 genders.

From the LifeSite News article:
"Ontario Liberals paid $4 million for TV ads pushing graphic sex-ed curriculum
 ... Education Minister Liz Sandals also reveals she opposed MPPs holding constituency community meetings on contentious the sex-ed curriculum, which was rolled out in Ontario’s publicly funded schools September 2015, and that she was especially concerned the LGBTQ community was satisfied with the sex-ed television ads.
The sex-ed curriculum introduces homosexuality in Grade 3, masturbation in Grade 6, oral and anal sex in Grade 7, and teaches that there are six genders rather than two biological sexes, according to a detailed analysis by Campaign Life Coalition."
"The Ontario Liberal government spent $4 million in taxpayers dollars on an online and television advertising campaign in September 2015 to sell its controversial sex-ed curriculum."

Holy Michael archangel,
Defend us in the day of battle;
Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him we humbly pray,
And do thou, prince of the heavenly host,
By the power of God,
Thrust down to hell Satan and all wicked spirits who wander through the world
For the ruin of souls.

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