About Me.

I came home to the Catholic Church in May 1996 at the age of 38.
Until then I had been in the Anglican communion.  As time went on I realized that Jesus established a visible Church, and He established it with Peter (the first Pope) as its head.
The clincher for me was when I realized that this Church was a teaching Church.  A Church that taught with authority.

The only Church that fit that description was the Catholic Church.

The title of this blog would have been obvious to Catholics a number of decades ago.  I am sure that most Catholics today understand it, but not all.  I have been questioned about it.  The title doesn't always fit well with our modern sensitivities.

The Church established by Jesus Christ consists of three parts:  The Church Triumphant - those who have triumphed over this life and are now in heaven with Our Lord and His angels;  The Church Suffering - those who are saved and on their way to heaven, but must first be purified in purgatory; and thirdly there is The Church Militant consisting of everyone on earth who is fighting against sin, the world, and the devil.

I am married and have raised two children.

I spent most of my career behind a drafting table working for land surveyors, and then behind two computer monitors doing digital mapping.  Time passed and I found myself working as a simple cleaner.  Low pay, but lots of satisfaction and time to think at night, and then during the day.

I am now retired and beginning to do weird things like procrastinating about posting on my blog.  (The pay is even lower now!)

When possible I try to get to a Tridentine Mass offered by F.S.S.P. priests in Ottawa Ontario.  Most of the time, though, I assist at an 'Ordinary Form' Mass at my local parish.

I have adopted Saint Joseph and Saint André of Montreal as my patron saints.