I would like to have written this, but it is a very well put together article, so here's the link:

From the article:
So this raises the question: who’s more powerful, the Virgin Mary in heaven or the devil in hell?Strangely, some Protestants seem to believe it’s Satan. Of course, this is rarely something that Protestant Christians consciously or explicitly profess, but consider some of the objections to Catholics praying to Mary. We’re told, for example, that Mary can’thear our prayers because she’s a finite creature, and so she can’t hear everyone’s prayers at once, and she can’t understand the different prayers uttered in different languages. Michael Hobart Seymour (1800-1874), an anti-Catholic polemicist, put the objection neatly:
It seems difficult to understand how she or any saint in heaven can know the wishes, the thoughts, the devotion, the prayers of the millions, who are praying to them in so many different parts of the world at the same time. If she or they were omnipresent—if omnipresent as the Godhead, all would be easy to conceive, all would be intelligible; but as they are no more than finite creatures in heaven, this cannot be.
We find the same argument used today. In A Woman Rides the Beast, for example, Dave Hunt objected to the line, “Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us” from the Salve Regina on the grounds that “Mary would have to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent (qualities of God alone) in order to extend mercy to all mankind.”
So Mary and the saints, being “finite creatures in heaven,” are too limited and weak to hear your prayers. Satan, on the other hand . . .


I just found this post about the

Tragedy at Winnipeg: the Canadian Catholic Bishops’ Statement on Humanae Vitae”

From this article:
"Canada Before Humanae Vitae
The Church’s teaching against artificial contraception was constant and unchallenged from within until the early sixties of this century. "

Please pray for our shepherds!!

There has been some change in perspective, but as far as I know there has been no official renunciation of this horror.

Predominant Fault: Identifying It & Battling It (Video link)

Please scroll to the bottom to watch a very helpful video.
There is more here than the title suggests.
We must needs analize our lives and our souls.
Then take it all to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
 Be prepared for Mass.
 Take time after you receive to talk to our Heavenly Physician.

Dominus vobiscum,
+JMJ, Reg

To help you in finding your predominant fault, remember the Seven Deadly Sins;


Here's a link to a post that expresses what I often try to say in this secular society.


From the above post:
" Hence love entails truth and truth always entails not only the recognition of what is, but what ought to be.  It may entail recognizing that a thing that is, should not be. "

 We have to recognize that there are things in our society that DO exist but should not exist.

Poverty exists.  Disease exists.  Pornography exists.  Rape exists. Gender disorder exists as does homosexuality.
These are some examples of things that exist that, out of Love, we ought not tolerate.

If our vocation is marriage then, out of Love and Truth, it's prime purpose is not 'romantic love' but rather procreation.
Same-sex attraction is a terrible cross to bear.  The people who give in to their disordered problem can never be married, no matter what a government may say.  Common sense, science, and logic show that they can never produce offspring.

As with so many people in difficult circumstances, they need our true love and prayers!

Why Do 2/3 of Catholics NOT Believe in the Eucharist? Recent Pew Poll Re...

My personal comment on the subject of the two videos below on Catholic unbelief in Jesus' Real Presence in the Eucharist:

One (of many) advantages of being a convert: Before coming home to the Catholic Church (from 'low-church' Anglicanism) I had already accepted the idea of transubstantiation. For Marian doctrines however I really struggled. Then I was able to accept all teachings for I was converting to The Church that Jesus established. The Church that taught with divine authority. That made things, um, "easy". If The Church taught it I simply had to accept it. My _reason_ resulted in _faith_ . We all need to be taught about The Church and her authority and how The Church proceeds the bible. We need to be taught to accept the hard teachings of Our Lord. *AND* We must do away with the ordinary, every-day things that contaminate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass ... Dress up to receive the King of the Universe; No more ordinary language (the Anglicans used Old(er) English just to set the worship apart from the rest of life); Don't treat the church like some social club or meeting room (IE, be as silent as you can); HARDEST OF ALL (because it involves changing a part of the Mass we've been troubled with since abou 1970) -- DO AWAY WITH THE "SIGN OF PEACE" right after bread and wine become God!!!

 Here are a couple of discussions about our poor Catholic brethren who do not believe a VERY central teaching of The Church:



From a Facebook group:

Understanding the Blessed Virgin Mary

July 11, 2015

The laity disregard their duty of silence before the Blessed Sacrament. They forget the stern warning of little Jacinta of Fatima, “Our Lady does not want people to talk in church”. The Need for Reparation In 1916, a year before Our Lady’s visitations at Fatima, the “Angel of the Eucharist” appeared with Chalice and Host to the children. He administered the Sacred species to the three children saying, “Eat and drink the Body and Blood of Our Lord, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Make reparation for their crimes and console your God.” The Angel left the chalice and the Host suspended in the air, and prostrated himself before It. The children imitated him. The Angel then prayed repeatedly this act of reparation: “Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I offer Thee the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He Himself is offended. And by the infinite merits of His most Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.” Let us commit to memory this prayer and say it throughout the day as often as possible. The “outrages, sacrileges and indifference” toward the Blessed Sacrament engendered by the Vatican II revolution are unprecedented, probably the worst in history. Sacrilege is so commonplace that it is no longer recognized as sacrilege. The need for reparation is colossal. Image may contain: one or more people


This post was inspired a few minutes ago while following a discussion by some Christians online.
What's the very worst thing that a person can say to someone?
The very worst, BY FAR, is "go to hell". It is much more mild if, in a fit of rage, a man says to a woman "go get raped".
THINK about it.
I far too often hear or read these horrid words.
There are many horrible things that can befall us in this world. A car accident. A violent attack on our person or our family. War. Debilitating diseases. Loosing a limb, or our eyesight, or hearing,etc.
All these things are only temporal. But hell is forever.
Always remember this: in five hundred million years from today you will still be alive. Even after your body has long decayed your soul will be around ... followed by eternal bliss or eternal damnation.

Happy Birthday Catholic Church!

I have often heard that Pentecost marks the berth of the Catholic Church, but I also see the "Great Commission" given by Our Lord just before His Ascension as being a beginning.

To celebrate this great feast I'd to share a video from Gloria.TV:

Veni Sancte Spiritus