Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts


I just found this post about the

Tragedy at Winnipeg: the Canadian Catholic Bishops’ Statement on Humanae Vitae”

From this article:
"Canada Before Humanae Vitae
The Church’s teaching against artificial contraception was constant and unchallenged from within until the early sixties of this century. "

Please pray for our shepherds!!

There has been some change in perspective, but as far as I know there has been no official renunciation of this horror.


This federal election on October 19th 2015 is a spiritual battle  --  one in which I do not see any "holy" outcome.
There is one issue that has been ignored by all federal parties with the exception of Mr. Trudeau's Liberal Party.


Along with the New Democrats and the Greens the Liberals have gone beyond attacking Canadians' right to live.

Anti-abortion candidates need not apply in 2015, Justin Trudeau says

 I am not a fan of Steven Harper but he has stood up, at times, to the abortion industry.  In 2010 he refused to tie the intrinsic evil of abortion to foreign aid.  


Harper government's aid plan omits birth control

Unfortunately Mr. Harper is only interested in staying in power.  

Evil is permitted if it allows him to stay in power.

For instance, when MP Mark Warwa tried to introduce a motion on gender-specific abortions he was not allowed to speak.

Here lies the real problem with Canadian politics.  I doubt that the other party leaders would behave much differently.

See this article from Maclean's Magazine: 

Mark Warawa challenges the soul of our parliamentary democracy

Satan is certainly hard at work, especially since abortion has never been mentioned as an election issue.  Muslim women's face coverings have come into play but our fundamental right to life has not.

Come election day take these things to heart.  Pray earnestly.  Vote with some spiritual guidance, and remember that we cannot vote for intrinsic evil!

Voters Guide of Pro-life Candidates


This list only includes candidates from the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC), Independents and the Christian Heritage Party. There are no supportable pro-life and pro-family candidates running for the Liberals or NDP parties, who require ALL candidates to support abortion-on-demand.
See list HERE


I have been following the pro-abortion arguments for decades.  I have yet to hear one that is logical.  Many are simply emotional arguments that cannot be backed up by any logic.  

Consider the following carefully:

You are conceived as a result of sexual intercourse. What other beginning can a life have?
Making it to your 'second trimester' is nothing more than a mark on the calendar. When your heart begins to beat, when your brain begins to create brain waves ... those are just a part of your development, just as puberty or loosing your baby teeth are.

THERE IS NO POINT IN TIME WHEN WE CAN SAY THAT A LIFE HAS SUDDENLY BECOME THE LIFE OF A HUMAN PERSON. The only times that there are any changes in our actual being is, firstly, at conception, and secondly, at the moment of death.

Between conception and death all we have is growth and decay of the same entity. Since there is no change prior to death other than conception, the only logical point in a life when said life becomes the life of a human person is CONCEPTION. Everything else is merely growth and decay.

Lord have mercy on us!

Abortion as a "woman's rights" issue?

Abortion is a question of woman's rights?

 Of the many serious problems I see with the 'pro-choice' arguments, this is one of the silliest ideas.  But it is being drummed into us year after year.  Abortion is a HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE.
 The mother carries the baby, but the father and the baby are also involved.

 How can we, as a civilized society, ever condone the taking of an innocent life if there is the remotest chance that that life is a the life of a human person?

 Every abortion results in a death.  It makes no difference whether or not it takes place in a hospital or a back alley.  At least one life is lost.

 If you consider yourself pro-choice how can you be 100% certain that the life of the fetus is not the life of a human person.  I mean 100%.

 Here in Canada in a criminal trial guilt must be proved 'beyond a reasonable doubt' for a conviction.  (Even if convicted there is no death penalty.)  If it can not be proven 'beyond a reasonable doubt' that a fetus, at any stage of development, is not a human person, how can a mother pass a death sentence?
  People can find reasons to doubt the fetus's humanity and and come to believe their person-hood to be unlikely, but that idea  can never be proved absolutely.

 Think about our development.  There are only two major events in our lives.  Birth is not one of the two.
First we are conceived.  Then there follows years of development and decay until our natural death.

 The person conceived during sexual intercourse is the exact same person that will die, say, 80 years and nine months later.

 Pregnancy.  Many people are affected.  The mother carrying the life in her womb is most heavily affected.  
 Abortion.  Many people are affected.  The mother going through the ordeal (which is NOT "health car") is heavily affected, but the only person loosing a life (if the procedure goes as planned) is the life inside the mother. 

 How does the pro-choice movement make any logical sense to anyone?  It sure is a mystery to me.  Logically it is nonsense.  But politically it gets votes.  Do people like to be 'pro-choice' so that they can be 'modern' and think like the rest of the crowd?  That's the only way that I can see this mess staying around for so many decades.

44 Years of State-approved Baby Killing in Canada!

May God have mercy on us.
We are becoming a very perverse and lost people.  Our lack of respect for, and value of, human life is horrendous.  Let us continually pray for the end of abortion around the globe.  Here in Canada occasionally there are a few glimmers of hope, but it seems hopeless.  There is no federal party that will respect ALL Canadians.  Our trust must be in the Lord our God.

Prayer to End Abortion

Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life,
And for the lives of all my brothers and sisters.
I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion,
Yet I rejoice that you have conquered death
by the Resurrection of Your Son.
I am ready to do my part in ending abortion.
Today I commit myself
Never to be silent,
Never to be passive,
Never to be forgetful of the unborn.
I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement,
And never to stop defending life
Until all my brothers and sisters are protected,
And our nation once again becomes
A nation with liberty and justice
Not just for some, but for all,
Through Christ our Lord. Amen!

"And of course, Canada’s own Stephen Harper, recently referred to in the Ottawa Citizen as the “de facto leader of Canada’s pro-choice movement,” responded to the revelation that 491 babies had been born alive and subsequently died after abortion procedures in Canada between 2000 and 2009 by ignoring the issue entirely."

--Jonathon Van Maren

Abortion law in Canada: MP Postcards for Motion 312

Scientifically, human life begins at conception.  Some politicians are willing to stand up for this rather than only standing up for popular ideology.
Please watch this:

MP Postcards for Motion 312