Showing posts with label mortal sin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mortal sin. Show all posts


Our culture loves to celebrate Halloween, the Catholic Christian commemoration of All Hallows Eve  --  the eve of the Feast of All Souls.

»  As I write this I come to feel as though I am directing much of this towards those, like myself, with a protestant background, or those who are not yet part of the Catholic Church.  Please bear with me and take out of these thoughts the things that you yourself can best meditate on (or investigate further) for your own spiritual growth. «

At this time the Church draws our attention especially to the Four Last Things:  Death, Judgement, Heaven or Hell. 

We all have to face death.  That is the end of our chance to be part of the Church Militant.
Death could come any time for any one of us.  Are we ready?
  • Am I in a state of mortal sin?
  • Do I intend to examine my conscience and go to confession, especially if I THINK I may have committed a mortal sin?
  • Have I made good use of the time, talents and material things that God has given me to use?
  • Have I been faithful to Christ and His Church?
  • etc. ...

As part of Christ's Body we each need to realize that we are part of the entire body of Christ  --  not only the Church Militant (the Church here on earth), but also the Church Suffering (the Holy Souls in Purgatory) and the Church Triumphant (the Saints in Heaven).

ALL HALLOWS EVE or Halloween  --
As we discussed in the post about the Christian origins of Halloween it is important in this day and age to recall that Satan is real.  Evil is real.  We are fighting a spiritual battle against forces beyond our ken.  The good news is that we already know the outcome.  Satan and his minions will loose.  Unfortunately he will convince as many people as he can to choose Hell over eternity with God.
In our final moment we are judged.  Many or most will choose the horror of spending eternity apart from God.  Others will choose to love Our Lord above all else.  Even if we choose God there is no guarantee that we will enter heaven right away.  Some people die for our Lord or live such pious and selfless lives that they go (almost?) directly to heaven.  Will that be you?  Will that be me?  That's my goal, but ...

The Feast of ALL SAINTS commemorates the Church Triumphant  --
We belong to a vast family.  Many holy men and women have lived lives so holy that in the end they were judged pure enough to enter into Heaven.  These people are not dead, only their bodies are dead as they await to have their souls reunited with their bodies on "the last day".  These friends are there to intercede for us with Our Lord.
Jesus Himself has gone before us with His Body and Soul and is seated at the right hand of God the Father.
Mother Mary, too, has been assumed body and soul into heaven.  God has crowned Mary, another human like ourselves, as Queen of Heaven.
We can pray and follow what Jesus commands us to do.  We can also ask our family and friends to pray for us.
But there are those who are closer to Our Lord than anyone here on earth  --  those holy souls in heaven.  They too can intercede for us.  Jesus especially listens to Mary's requests as he did at the Cana wedding (John 2:1-11).  We are to honour our father and mother.  Jesus honours Mary in the same way.

The Commemoration of ALL SOULS is when we remember those who have gone before us.  --
 God alone knows what cleansing a soul needs before being pure enough to enter Heaven.  If we die in a state of grace we may require "a bath", so to speak.
Our brothers and sisters who cannot bear the thought of being in the glory of God and worshiping Him forever are sent immediately where they choose: Hell.
The poor, holy souls in Purgatory, however, are guaranteed to enter heaven.  Bathing is the best analogy that I've been able to think of.  Some of us need a long, hot scrub in lots of very hot water in order to remove the stain of our sins.  Others will only need to rinse their hands to remove such stain.

This is not to say that Jesus's sacrifice was not sufficient.  I always think of what Jesus said about making things right before going on:
"Make friends quickly with your opponent at law while you are with him on the way, so that your opponent may not hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the officer, and you be thrown into prison.   "Truly I say to you, you will not come out of there until you have paid up the last cent."  (Matthew 5:25-26)
Purgatory also exists because we are responsible for our sins.  Can we really expect to go through life, even a very pious life, but never to be responsable in any way for our sinfulness?  Jesus paid the price we cannot pay.  Out of Love He suffered and died for our salvation.  Does this mean we no longer accept any blame for what we have done?  If this were the case then we could go ahead and commit any sin we felt like, just so long as we said "sorry" afterwards.  I have difficulty in understanding the protestant rejection of this.  Purgatory is not a man-made idea.  We would not even know about it if it weren't for the intervention of the Holy Spirit.

This brings me to my final point in this post on the last things.
As the Church Militant one of our jobs is to pray and make sacrifices for the holy souls in Purgatory.  They cannot do anything to help themselves.  They can no longer receive Our Lord in Holy Communion, and they are also being denied the Beatific Vision for the time being.
We do not know what Purgatory is like.  (I certainly haven't been there.  I hope to bypass it entirely.)  It is a place of temporal suffering however.  These souls are being refined into gold by passing through fire.  (1 Peter 1:7)   We know that fire hurts.  Paying a traffic fine hurts in one way.  A year in jail hurts. 
So let us always remember to pray for the souls in Purgatory.  Pray, do good works, offer up sacrifices for them.

God be with you!
Dominus vobiscum!


    Today there was a horrific collision between a city bus and a passenger train about a half an hour north of me.

    For the last year or two, as I listen to/read the news, my mind keeps turning to the immortal souls of those who die.  Everyday we have tragedies and people dying natural deaths.

    Obviously we are concerned about those who are mourning their deaths, but far more important than that is whether or not they died in a state of grace! 

     Jesus gave many warnings about how hard it is to enter the kingdom of heaven.  We need to enter through the narrow gate.  He warns, through the parable of the ten virgins who went out to meet the bridegroom, that those who do not stay prepared (in the parable by bringing enough oil for their lamps) that he will 'not know them'. Matthew 25:1-13:
    [1] Then shall the kingdom of heaven be like to ten virgins, who taking their lamps went out to meet the bridegroom and the bride. [2] And five of them were foolish, and five wise. [3] But the five foolish, having taken their lamps, did not take oil with them: [4] But the wise took oil in their vessels with the lamps. [5] And the bridegroom tarrying, they all slumbered and slept.
    [6] And at midnight there was a cry made: Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye forth to meet him. [7] Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. [8] And the foolish said to the wise: Give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out. [9] The wise answered, saying: Lest perhaps there be not enough for us and for you, go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. [10] Now whilst they went to buy, the bridegroom came: and they that were ready, went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut.
    [11] But at last come also the other virgins, saying: Lord, Lord, open to us. [12] But he answering said: Amen I say to you, I know you not. [13] Watch ye therefore, because you know not the day nor the hour.[ Douay-Rheims Bible]
     Jesus separates the 'lambs' from the 'goats' per their deeds.  For the 'goats' there is no entrance into heaven.  (Matthew 25:31-46)

    The Holy Spirit, speaking through His holy Catholic Church, has warned us that to die in a state of mortal sin means a decent into hell ... for eternity.
    [ In order for a sin to be mortal, it must meet three conditions:
    • Mortal sin is a sin of grave matter
    • Mortal sin is committed with full knowledge of the sinner
    • Mortal sin is committed with deliberate consent of the sinner ]
     We, of course, have no idea the condition of any person at the moment of death.  We cannot even comprehend the limitlessness of God's Mercy and His Justice ... and His Love.  

    Even if our spiritual leaders fail to mention it.  Even though the media never goes near the idea.  Even though it makes us uncomfortable to consider that any individual may be choosing hell over eternity with God, WE MUST REMEMBER THE SOULS OF EVERYONE WHO DIES.  

    Never, ever, assume that someone is going to heaven.  We only know for sure that the saints are in heaven.  
    For everyone who is destined for heaven, unless they are already pure in every way, they have to head to purgatory for to be purified from the stains of their sins.

    We need to pray, pray and pray.


    Prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

    Have mercy, dear Jesus, on all the poor souls in purgatory, and especially for
    (Mention the name[s] here...)
    Grant them (him/her) eternal rest, and may perpetual light shine upon them (him/her).

    See also:

    Abortion as a "woman's rights" issue?

    Abortion is a question of woman's rights?

     Of the many serious problems I see with the 'pro-choice' arguments, this is one of the silliest ideas.  But it is being drummed into us year after year.  Abortion is a HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE.
     The mother carries the baby, but the father and the baby are also involved.

     How can we, as a civilized society, ever condone the taking of an innocent life if there is the remotest chance that that life is a the life of a human person?

     Every abortion results in a death.  It makes no difference whether or not it takes place in a hospital or a back alley.  At least one life is lost.

     If you consider yourself pro-choice how can you be 100% certain that the life of the fetus is not the life of a human person.  I mean 100%.

     Here in Canada in a criminal trial guilt must be proved 'beyond a reasonable doubt' for a conviction.  (Even if convicted there is no death penalty.)  If it can not be proven 'beyond a reasonable doubt' that a fetus, at any stage of development, is not a human person, how can a mother pass a death sentence?
      People can find reasons to doubt the fetus's humanity and and come to believe their person-hood to be unlikely, but that idea  can never be proved absolutely.

     Think about our development.  There are only two major events in our lives.  Birth is not one of the two.
    First we are conceived.  Then there follows years of development and decay until our natural death.

     The person conceived during sexual intercourse is the exact same person that will die, say, 80 years and nine months later.

     Pregnancy.  Many people are affected.  The mother carrying the life in her womb is most heavily affected.  
     Abortion.  Many people are affected.  The mother going through the ordeal (which is NOT "health car") is heavily affected, but the only person loosing a life (if the procedure goes as planned) is the life inside the mother. 

     How does the pro-choice movement make any logical sense to anyone?  It sure is a mystery to me.  Logically it is nonsense.  But politically it gets votes.  Do people like to be 'pro-choice' so that they can be 'modern' and think like the rest of the crowd?  That's the only way that I can see this mess staying around for so many decades.

    Why love God?

    Why love God?  Because He loved us first and even became one of us to give all and die as a mortal.

    Image from

    I must say, the longer I am a Catholic the more I am "blown away" (as said 'back in the day'...) by what our Lord has done for us, especially through the Church He established.

    Not only did he create the entire universe and time itself, he chose to become one of us for our salvation.  God has never been an angel.  He has never been any of the other heavenly hosts.  But he became a human being, and after his death his human body was glorified and ascended into heaven.  The Word of God has a human body in heaven.

    Can you imagine that?  God himself thinks so highly of us, who he created in his image, that the Second Person of the Holy Trinity sits on his throne with his crucified then glorified human body!

    God condescended to become a humble man, born of a virgin, and mixed with us sinners.
    Although sinless, he took our sins upon him and suffered and died for us. He died for us sinners.  Wow.

    In 1996, at the age of 38, I came home to the Catholic Church.  I grew up as an Anglican and in university I had a lot of contact with evangelical Christians.  What I began to realize was that Jesus did not leave us a bible.  He established a Church.  He left the deposit of faith with his Church.  
    This Church is a Church that teaches with Divine Authority.  There is no 'wiggle room' in the Church established by God!
    His Church wrote the books of the New Testament and eventually, through the Holy Spirit, compiled the Canon of Scripture.

    The early Christians had the Jewish scriptures and the oral teachings of the Apostles.   The written teachings and the oral teachings/traditions are what the Holy Spirit uses to communicate Truth to the Body of Christ.  Never scripture alone.  That idea is a somewhat 'modern' invention, largely thanks to a former disobedient priest named Martin Luther.

    Since we have both the Scriptures and Tradition the Holy Spirit has taught us more.
    We now know that God crowned a mere human as the Queen of heaven.  
    Oh how God loves us!!! 
    Image from:
    Through Apostolic succession, this Church, the Body of Christ, has as its earthly head the successor of Peter, the Pope.  Jesus did not leave us alone.  Through the succession of his Apostles the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is still offered every day on all Catholic and Orthodox altars.  Jesus is still present in his Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity here on earth.

    God gave the power to his Apostles and their successors to forgive sins.

    When I assist at Mass I witness a genuine miracle.  A time where God intervenes with nature.  Mere bread and wine, through the power of the Holy Spirit and by the actions and words of the successors of the Apostles, become the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord and Saviour.  We are "re-present" and the one sacrifice that Jesus made for us at Calvary.

    Image from my computer; originally from somewhere on the Internet ...
    We have so much to be thankful for.  So many reasons to love God with all our hearts, souls, and with all our actions.
    The saints learned to hate sin ... to prefer death to committing even one mortal sin.

    Let us remember daily to direct all our thoughts, words and actions heavenward.

    To start your day you can use the 'morning offering' that I've been using for years:

    Most Holy and adorable Trinity, One God in three Persons, I adore You with the most profound humility.  I praise you and give you thanks for the favours you have bestowed on me.
    Your goodness has brought me safely to the beginning of this day.

    Behold, O Lord, I offer you my whole being, together with such crosses and contradictions as I may meet with in the course of this day.
    Give them, O Lord, Your blessing.  May Your Divine Love animate them, and may they tend to the greater honour and glory of your Holy Name.   
       [One of the things I love about this prayer is the line "May Your Divine Love animate them".]

    God be with you!

    Dominus vobiscum, Reg. 

    Go To Hell

    [Image found at:]

    The Church Militant video (no relation) is very important in understanding part of how Satin is at war with the Church and how he is attacking all of human society.

    Here is the text of the video:

    Hello everyone and welcome to The Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed. I’m Michael Voris coming to you from Wagga Wagga Australia .. or what the locals simply call Wagga.
    We are in front of the Wagga Cathedral .. dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel.

    It’s time to take the gloves off and come out swinging. Satan hates the Catholic Church.
    Always has. His sole mission is its destruction. Again .. he HATES it.
    Why? Because no other institution or organization or faith or religion has the mean of salvation. They are ALL man made and do not have the power to save.
    This includes not only other religions, but governments, social help programs, social justice efforts and anything else conjured up in the mind of man.

    Jesus Christ establishes the Catholic Church ALONE to be the bulwark against evil .. to be the ONE body which is commissioned to battle evil until the end of the world. Period.
    That’s why Satan detests it with a burning passion that the human mind on this side of death simply cannot conceive of.

    How does Satan actively go about attacking the Catholic Church? Well, just as Our Blessed Lord has disciples, so too does Satan.
    We don’t think in these terms very often, and certainly not often enough to correspond to the reality, but it is most assuredly true – Satan has disciples.

    Anyone in a state of mortal sin is an agent of Satan. They do not possess within themselves the Holy Trinity, they lack the indwelling of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    Such a person is in darkness and therefore can be led anywhere into anything and it is Satan doing the leading.
    He keeps a person in mortal sin in darkness, clouds the intellect, and smothers them in pleasures to keep them content so they will not seek a way out of their sin. They become a tool of his, a prisoner, a slave to do his bidding.
    And if they die in that state, they descend to the infernal regions from which there is never any respite from its horrors.
    So the devil makes use of such people while they are on earth and his control. He does not CONTROL their free will, but he is able to suggest things to them to which they
    CHOOSE to offer little or no resistance.

    And what does Satan use his human minions for? His sole goal of destroying the Catholic Church. He has worked enormous wreckage and destruction in the Church in the 20th century.
    His actions, through his human agents, have resulted in a worldwide apostasy .. a rejection of almost anything and everything sacred.
    And it matters not at all whether those who are his here on earth agents are consciously aware of their slave masters actions or not. A soul in mortal sin is a throne room for Hell.
    We see evidence of this diabolical reality in the push for so-called same-sex marriage ..
    an absolute perverse and distorted re-ordering of nature. 
    You can bet the farm that Satan has no specific interest in whether governments pronounce sodomy as marriage. The sin of homosexual acts are being committed anyway and the guilt of that sin already being incurred.
    What Satan gets out of the marriage question is the creation of an atmosphere where truth is denied, thus setting the stage for even greater sin to flood in.
    AND .. above all .. he gets the establishment of an environment where the Church and Her teachings can be officially attacked and condemned. He has craftily engineered a situation where the TRUTH ITSELF is made to appear to be an enemy of people and their so-called rights.
    Sodomy is being trotted around the world and portrayed as a “human right”. Whether his agents are conscious of it or not, Satan is behind this same-sex marriage movement
    because .. at the end of the day .. it will used against the Church as a powerful weapon .. which .. we have already seen glimpses of here and there in Canada and the United States and Europe.
    Church leaders to take the gloves off and start talking about this in the real terms that it is .. spiritual warfare .. aimed against the Church of Christ .. His Immaculate Bride. That is where this will all end up.
    It HAS to end of there. Satan cares about nothing but the destruction of the Catholic Church and the resultant loss of countless souls. Period. And the Church cares about nothing ultimately then salvation.
    Every battle that occurs in the spiritual realm is nothing more than a microcosm of this truth. This is how Our Blessed Lord classified it when He Himself declared Peter the Rock on which HE would build His Church and then promised that the Gates of Hell would not prevail.
    That is talk of war. 
    This is the spiritual reality behind all the talk of human rights and marriage equality and all the diabolical PR.
    The Church needs to call this out and tell Satan to go to hell.

    Reporting from Wagga Wagga down under in Australia, this is Michael Voris for Church Militant. TV
    GOD Love you.