Abortion is a question of woman's rights?
Of the many serious problems I see with the 'pro-choice' arguments, this is one of the silliest ideas. But it is being drummed into us year after year. Abortion is a HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE.
The mother carries the baby, but the father and the baby are also involved.
How can we, as a civilized society, ever condone the taking of an innocent life if there is the remotest chance that that life is a the life of a human person?
Every abortion results in a death. It makes no difference whether or not it takes place in a hospital or a back alley. At least one life is lost.
If you consider yourself pro-choice how can you be 100% certain that the life of the fetus is not the life of a human person. I mean 100%.
Here in Canada in a criminal trial guilt must be proved 'beyond a reasonable doubt' for a conviction. (Even if convicted there is no death penalty.) If it can not be proven 'beyond a reasonable doubt' that a fetus, at any stage of development, is not a human person, how can a mother pass a death sentence?
People can find reasons to doubt the fetus's humanity and and come to believe their person-hood to be unlikely, but that idea can never be proved absolutely.
Think about our development. There are only two major events in our lives. Birth is not one of the two.
First we are conceived. Then there follows years of development and decay until our natural death.
The person conceived during sexual intercourse is the exact same person that will die, say, 80 years and nine months later.
Pregnancy. Many people are affected. The mother carrying the life in her womb is most heavily affected.
Abortion. Many people are affected. The mother going through the ordeal (which is NOT "health car") is heavily affected, but the only person loosing a life (if the procedure goes as planned) is the life inside the mother.
How does the pro-choice movement make any logical sense to anyone? It sure is a mystery to me. Logically it is nonsense. But politically it gets votes. Do people like to be 'pro-choice' so that they can be 'modern' and think like the rest of the crowd? That's the only way that I can see this mess staying around for so many decades.
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