Showing posts with label The Blessed Virgin Mary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Blessed Virgin Mary. Show all posts


From a Facebook group:

Understanding the Blessed Virgin Mary

July 11, 2015

The laity disregard their duty of silence before the Blessed Sacrament. They forget the stern warning of little Jacinta of Fatima, “Our Lady does not want people to talk in church”. The Need for Reparation In 1916, a year before Our Lady’s visitations at Fatima, the “Angel of the Eucharist” appeared with Chalice and Host to the children. He administered the Sacred species to the three children saying, “Eat and drink the Body and Blood of Our Lord, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Make reparation for their crimes and console your God.” The Angel left the chalice and the Host suspended in the air, and prostrated himself before It. The children imitated him. The Angel then prayed repeatedly this act of reparation: “Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I offer Thee the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He Himself is offended. And by the infinite merits of His most Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.” Let us commit to memory this prayer and say it throughout the day as often as possible. The “outrages, sacrileges and indifference” toward the Blessed Sacrament engendered by the Vatican II revolution are unprecedented, probably the worst in history. Sacrilege is so commonplace that it is no longer recognized as sacrilege. The need for reparation is colossal. Image may contain: one or more people

Why love God?

Why love God?  Because He loved us first and even became one of us to give all and die as a mortal.

Image from

I must say, the longer I am a Catholic the more I am "blown away" (as said 'back in the day'...) by what our Lord has done for us, especially through the Church He established.

Not only did he create the entire universe and time itself, he chose to become one of us for our salvation.  God has never been an angel.  He has never been any of the other heavenly hosts.  But he became a human being, and after his death his human body was glorified and ascended into heaven.  The Word of God has a human body in heaven.

Can you imagine that?  God himself thinks so highly of us, who he created in his image, that the Second Person of the Holy Trinity sits on his throne with his crucified then glorified human body!

God condescended to become a humble man, born of a virgin, and mixed with us sinners.
Although sinless, he took our sins upon him and suffered and died for us. He died for us sinners.  Wow.

In 1996, at the age of 38, I came home to the Catholic Church.  I grew up as an Anglican and in university I had a lot of contact with evangelical Christians.  What I began to realize was that Jesus did not leave us a bible.  He established a Church.  He left the deposit of faith with his Church.  
This Church is a Church that teaches with Divine Authority.  There is no 'wiggle room' in the Church established by God!
His Church wrote the books of the New Testament and eventually, through the Holy Spirit, compiled the Canon of Scripture.

The early Christians had the Jewish scriptures and the oral teachings of the Apostles.   The written teachings and the oral teachings/traditions are what the Holy Spirit uses to communicate Truth to the Body of Christ.  Never scripture alone.  That idea is a somewhat 'modern' invention, largely thanks to a former disobedient priest named Martin Luther.

Since we have both the Scriptures and Tradition the Holy Spirit has taught us more.
We now know that God crowned a mere human as the Queen of heaven.  
Oh how God loves us!!! 
Image from:
Through Apostolic succession, this Church, the Body of Christ, has as its earthly head the successor of Peter, the Pope.  Jesus did not leave us alone.  Through the succession of his Apostles the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is still offered every day on all Catholic and Orthodox altars.  Jesus is still present in his Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity here on earth.

God gave the power to his Apostles and their successors to forgive sins.

When I assist at Mass I witness a genuine miracle.  A time where God intervenes with nature.  Mere bread and wine, through the power of the Holy Spirit and by the actions and words of the successors of the Apostles, become the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord and Saviour.  We are "re-present" and the one sacrifice that Jesus made for us at Calvary.

Image from my computer; originally from somewhere on the Internet ...
We have so much to be thankful for.  So many reasons to love God with all our hearts, souls, and with all our actions.
The saints learned to hate sin ... to prefer death to committing even one mortal sin.

Let us remember daily to direct all our thoughts, words and actions heavenward.

To start your day you can use the 'morning offering' that I've been using for years:

Most Holy and adorable Trinity, One God in three Persons, I adore You with the most profound humility.  I praise you and give you thanks for the favours you have bestowed on me.
Your goodness has brought me safely to the beginning of this day.

Behold, O Lord, I offer you my whole being, together with such crosses and contradictions as I may meet with in the course of this day.
Give them, O Lord, Your blessing.  May Your Divine Love animate them, and may they tend to the greater honour and glory of your Holy Name.   
   [One of the things I love about this prayer is the line "May Your Divine Love animate them".]

God be with you!

Dominus vobiscum, Reg. 

Why protestants should pray the 'Hail Mary'

From James 5:16  --  "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."

Who could be more righteous that the very person that God knew from the beginning of time that He would use to become a human being?  For such an honour God would not simply choose any old 'good person'.  Remember, God did not simply appear in Mary's womb.  The Holy Spirit fertilized one of Mary's eggs before it arrived in her womb.  That is the only way that God could truly sacrifice His own divine life for mankind.  From the early Church fathers  we know that the early Christians learned that Mary was in heaven with her Lord and son, in body and soul, not merely rotting in the earth. 

Now look at this simple prayer:

"Hail Mary, full of grace.  The Lord is with Thee."  (Luke 1:28)--  Those are the biblical words of the archangel Gabriel as he greeted Mary

"Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb" (Jesus)(Luke 1:42).   Again, right out of the bible, these are the very words of St. Anne, the mother of St. John the Baptist.

So far in this prayer we have reminded ourselves just why it is that Mary's prayer for us can be 'powerful and effective'.

And who is Mary?  She is the mother of Jesus.  Who is Jesus?  Jesus is the Second person of the Holy Trinity.  Jesus is God, and Mary is His earthly mother.  To call Mary the 'mother of God' is important because in doing so we affirm that Jesus is God.

So next we simply ask Mary to pray for us, just as we would ask any good Christian to pray for us:

"Holy Mary, Mother of God, 
Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death"


If you ignore any anti-Catholic thoughts, what is there to object to in this prayer.

Remember, the first recorded miracle of Jesus occurred after Mary asked his help after being approached by others at the wedding party in Cana.  Why should Jesus stop listening to her now?