Showing posts with label Spark and Flame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spark and Flame. Show all posts


Here's a link to a post that expresses what I often try to say in this secular society.

From the above post:
" Hence love entails truth and truth always entails not only the recognition of what is, but what ought to be.  It may entail recognizing that a thing that is, should not be. "

 We have to recognize that there are things in our society that DO exist but should not exist.

Poverty exists.  Disease exists.  Pornography exists.  Rape exists. Gender disorder exists as does homosexuality.
These are some examples of things that exist that, out of Love, we ought not tolerate.

If our vocation is marriage then, out of Love and Truth, it's prime purpose is not 'romantic love' but rather procreation.
Same-sex attraction is a terrible cross to bear.  The people who give in to their disordered problem can never be married, no matter what a government may say.  Common sense, science, and logic show that they can never produce offspring.

As with so many people in difficult circumstances, they need our true love and prayers!