I'm late in posting this for Advent 2015 but I feel compelled to share one of my favourite traditions.

Rather than 'setting up' or 'getting out' the whole creche there's a much more interesting way, one which begins on the first Sunday of Advent and doesn't end until January 6th, the Epiphany of Our Lord.

Week One:
The earth --
Prepare the table for the creche and (after placing some appropriate cloth for a surface) place some rocks around the area.  The rocks symbolize all the earth that Our Lord is coming to.
[Note:  In addition to this the Three Wise Men can begin their journey to see Jesus.  I start them in the east, usually atop the refrigerator.] 


Week Two:
Vegetation --
Place real or artificial greenery around the boarders (or inside if you have something small enough).  The greenery is to represent all the plant life growing on our planet.  The earth, all rock and growing things anxiously await the coming of the Word of God.

Week Three:
Animals --
Now we place the animal figurines that are appropriate for a stable in the creche.
Animal life is very important in the life of Jesus on earth.  He is, after all, the very Lamb of God!


Week Four:
People --
On the forth Sunday of Advent finally the human figures arrive on the scene.  Here we find Mary and Joseph and the shepherds.
The Three Wise Men are slowly making their way around the house as they follow the star.

Christmas Eve:
Our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST!
Before or after Midnight Mass Jesus is placed in the manger.
Our Lord had arrived!

Image from https://outdoornativitystore.com

The Christmas season now begins.


Epiphany (January 6th):
The Three Wise Men --
The last to arrive on the scene are the Magi after their long journey (from the kitchen to the living room).
Christ is revealed to the world.


The creche is the last Christmas "decoration" I take down each year.

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