Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts


 Christmas brings to mind many things. 

At the top of our minds of course is the birth of Our Lord.  But why would God Almighty enter into time and become a mere creature?  Well, out of His infinite Love He came to right  the horrible wrong done by our first parents, Adam and Eve.

But... "WHY US?"

Are we possibly among the most prized of all God's creatures?

1.  Right in the story of creation in the innerant Word of God we are told that we are created in God's image. 

2.  God did not become a tree, nor an animal, nor an angel,  but God became Man!

What love!  What humility!

3.  He used Mary to provide the 2nd Person of the Holy Trinity with a human body.  

4.  After ascending into heaven the 3rd Person of the Holy Trinity,  Almighty God Himself, came down upon the apostles.  All baptized now are temples of the Holy Ghost!

5.  Now the very Word of God is on His throne in heaven with a human soul and a human body!!!

God is Spirit. We are in God's image and yet we are both body AND spirit.   Body AND soul.

It would seem that out of all creatures, be they material or spiritual, mankind is extra special to the King of the Universe.

Wishing God's blessings on all who are celebrating the 12 Days of Christmas. 


I'm late in posting this for Advent 2015 but I feel compelled to share one of my favourite traditions.

Rather than 'setting up' or 'getting out' the whole creche there's a much more interesting way, one which begins on the first Sunday of Advent and doesn't end until January 6th, the Epiphany of Our Lord.

Week One:
The earth --
Prepare the table for the creche and (after placing some appropriate cloth for a surface) place some rocks around the area.  The rocks symbolize all the earth that Our Lord is coming to.
[Note:  In addition to this the Three Wise Men can begin their journey to see Jesus.  I start them in the east, usually atop the refrigerator.]

Week Two:
Vegetation --
Place real or artificial greenery around the boarders (or inside if you have something small enough).  The greenery is to represent all the plant life growing on our planet.  The earth, all rock and growing things anxiously await the coming of the Word of God.

Week Three:
Animals --
Now we place the animal figurines that are appropriate for a stable in the creche.
Animal life is very important in the life of Jesus on earth.  He is, after all, the very Lamb of God!

Week Four:
People --
On the forth Sunday of Advent finally the human figures arrive on the scene.  Here we find Mary and Joseph and the shepherds.
The Three Wise Men are slowly making their way around the house as they follow the star.

Christmas Eve:
Our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST!
Before or after Midnight Mass Jesus is placed in the manger.
Our Lord had arrived!

Image from

The Christmas season now begins.


Epiphany (January 6th):
The Three Wise Men --
The last to arrive on the scene are the Magi after their long journey (from the kitchen to the living room).
Christ is revealed to the world.


The creche is the last Christmas "decoration" I take down each year.


Christmas is coming!!!!
But first we must prepare:

Celebrate Advent, a penitential season.
During Advent let us all be sure to get to confession at least once so that we can receive Our Lord at Christmas in a state of grace.

 [ Image from ]

Take an hour or so and examine your conscience.
Here are some brief thoughts and links to great resources:

 From the New Marian Missal (Veritas Press)
The importance of making a good confession.

“Whoever you are, Christian reader, that designs to approach to the holy sacrament of Penance, remember that you are going to undertake a work on the good performance of which, more than any other duty, your eternal welfare depends.”

Father Hardon provides practical norms for making our daily examination of conscience. Follow these principles and you're guaranteed to grow in the spiritual life.

As we read the Spiritual Exercises, we may be overwhelmed by the minute detail of St. Ignatius' treatment of what he calls the particular examination of conscience. At the same time, he is careful to provide, "Some Notes on Scruples."
It is very important, therefore, that we form a clear and correct conscience. This means that we cultivate a sensitive judgment which is alert to the least offense against the Divine will and, at the same time, protect ourselves against the wiles of the evil spirit.

Examination of Conscience - FATHER JOHN A. HARDON, S.J

Link:  A Detailed Catholic Examination of Conscience

It's important for a good Catholic examination of conscience to be thorough. This will help you learn about things that you may not be aware of. It's also a chance to develop your conscience. This is a critical aid for the beginning Catholic.
To make an examination:

  • Set aside some quiet time for reflection.
  • Start by praying to the Holy Spirit, asking for help in making a good examination to prepare for Confession.
  • Read through the items on this list and honestly reflect on your behavior for each item.
  • If necessary, take this list or some brief notes (keep them private!) to Confession to help you remember things.
A Catholic examination of conscience traditionally follows the outline of the Ten Commandments and the Precepts of the Catholic Church.
 A Detailed Catholic Examination of Conscience   --  From

[ Image from ]

Oh my God,
I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee.

I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee my God who art all good and deserving of all my love.

I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy Grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin.
