Christmas brings to mind many things. 

At the top of our minds of course is the birth of Our Lord.  But why would God Almighty enter into time and become a mere creature?  Well, out of His infinite Love He came to right  the horrible wrong done by our first parents, Adam and Eve.

But... "WHY US?"

Are we possibly among the most prized of all God's creatures?

1.  Right in the story of creation in the innerant Word of God we are told that we are created in God's image. 

2.  God did not become a tree, nor an animal, nor an angel,  but God became Man!

What love!  What humility!

3.  He used Mary to provide the 2nd Person of the Holy Trinity with a human body.  

4.  After ascending into heaven the 3rd Person of the Holy Trinity,  Almighty God Himself, came down upon the apostles.  All baptized now are temples of the Holy Ghost!

5.  Now the very Word of God is on His throne in heaven with a human soul and a human body!!!

God is Spirit. We are in God's image and yet we are both body AND spirit.   Body AND soul.

It would seem that out of all creatures, be they material or spiritual, mankind is extra special to the King of the Universe.

Wishing God's blessings on all who are celebrating the 12 Days of Christmas. 

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