Human Exceptionalism -- What God Has Done For Us Out of His Love

Just look at what God has done:


He created an entire universe out of nothing. He created time itself. All creatures come from His immense love.


And yet, out of all His creation, He created us, and only us, in His image.


He loves us so much that He wants our love in return. So that we can love Him He gave us the choice to follow Him or to follow our own desires. Unfortunately in the Garden of Eden we chose ourselves over our God.


God therefore picked the Jewish people to prepare a way for His coming. (He knew all this would happen beforehand, but that's not important here.)


God has so much love for us that He sent His angel Gabriel to earth to announce to the Virgin Mary that she was to become the Mother of God. The Holy Ghost used Mary's genetic material so that the Word of God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, could become both God and Man. He did not simply appear on earth in a human guise, out of His great Love He actually became one of us! He loves us so very much that, for our salvation, He even became a human being.


His love led Him to walk this earth and prepare His Church, "the Body of Christ", and to finally suffer and die for our sins. Now that's a lot of love!


God loves us so very much that He sent His Holy Spirit upon the disciples at Pentecost. That same Holy Spirit has been passed down to us by apostolic succession. And we receive the Holy Spirit at Baptism, and again at Confirmation. What/who is this Holy Spirit? The Third Person of the Holy Trinity! That's right. God has so much love for us that He is willing to live inside each one of us, if only we allow Him.


We receive God almighty onto our tongues at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Once again God comes into us, this time physically, out of His sheer love for us.


When the God-Man Jesus ascended into heaven He ascended with His human body. God actually dwells in heaven with a human body. He must love us more than we can imagine.


He also loved His dear mother so much that her body was assumed into heaven along with her soul.


And God loves us so much that He is populating heaven with us. He created angels, but only humans partake in His Body and Blood. Only humans were made in His image. 


Yes indeed God loves us without end. We need to learn to love Him in return.


The Harm of Homosexual Practice: A Link


I found this to be very informative: 

The Harm of Homosexual Practice: A Medical and Moral Argument


And yet a 15 year old girl in a 'Catholic' high school thinks like this:

“I think it will make others realize more that it’s OK to be who you are, it’s OK to be gay, to be bisexual, transgender, whatever you are,” said Adriana Unis. “I feel more accepted now. … I can be in a Catholic school and still be myself.”


And so it begins…



Holy Michael Archangel, defend us in the day of battle; be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. -- May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust down to hell Satin and all the wicked spirits, who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.



Abortion law in Canada: MP Postcards for Motion 312

Scientifically, human life begins at conception.  Some politicians are willing to stand up for this rather than only standing up for popular ideology.
Please watch this:

MP Postcards for Motion 312

We must live our lives truly believing we are in the Church Militant!

When someone can express my thoughts in better terms than I can I like to share it. Please view the following video I've linked to:

Church Militant

Let us all be brave.  No matter WHAT.

Attende Domine

Today I'd just like to call your attention to The Famous Lenten Hymn "Attende Domine"
at Gloria.TV or at

Enjoy and Dominus vobiscum!

The Sorrowful Mysteries. A brief meditation.

As I meditate on the Sorrowful Mysteries while praying the Holy Rosary this Lent, I have become increasingly aware of how each of my sins adds to Christ's suffering.
- I add to his agony in the garden as he struggles to accept our sins on His sinless Self.
- I add more lashes to his scourging at the pillar.
- I press yet another thorn into his Kingly head. (The mystery of the crowning with thorns actually embarrasses me. How could we mock our loving God in such a way??)
- My sins make the timber's weight all the heavier as our Lord struggles with it on the way to his torturous death.
- Finally, my sins cause ever greater agony as Love Itself hangs on the cross and finally gives up His spirit.

Lift High the Cross!

Lift high the cross
The love of Christ proclaim.
Til all the world adore
His sacred Name.

At work tonight that hymn was in my head and convinced me to begin this "blog".

We, the Church militant, must proclaim the love of Christ to the world.  While on earth Jesus prepared His Church by giving authority to His disciples and by setting Saint Peter as the Church's head.

There is a job to do.  I've been a fan of "The Lord of the Rings" since I first read the trilogy, oh, around about 1980.  I mention this story because the hero was a very simple, unassuming being.  And yet he was given an assignment fit for a superhero.  That is what each one of us has to be willing to do.  Take up our crosses daily and be ready to do amazing things.

What sort of amazing things?  Maybe something as simple as developing the habit and discipline of daily prayer.  One never knows how our prayers may really affect us or others.  For example, every time you hear of a death pray for the departed soul.

Never, ever forget that the Church consists of:
1. The Church Militant.  (Us struggling here on earth.)
2. The Church Suffering.  (The Holy souls in Purgatory.)
3. The Church Triumphant.  (The saints and angels and all the heavenly hosts.)

As we suffer and fight here in this life we are never alone.  Not only is God always present but we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses.
 From Hebrews 12 verse 1:     Douay-Rheims Bible
And therefore we also having so great a cloud of witnesses over our head, laying aside every weight and sin which surrounds us, let us run by patience to the fight proposed to us
I want to do God's most holy will, and I feel that the Internet, with all the filth and lies freely available, must be cleaned up by any faithful Catholic Christian.

I need help in this endeavour.  I am concerned that Satin will encourage pride in me.  I shall ask the mother of our Lord for her intercession with her Divine Son, just as she did at the Cana wedding.
Hail Mary full of grace
The Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou amongst women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus
Holy Mary, Mother of God, 
Pray for us sinners
Now, and at the hour of our death

Here's the hymn with the words as I learned them for the the first half century or more of my life.
The Catholic Book of Worship III has made some changes to the lyrics that I have never caught on to.  [ You would recognize me at Mass.  I'm the guy singing (slightly) different words at the top of his lungs. ]