Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Human Exceptionalism -- What God Has Done For Us Out of His Love

Just look at what God has done:


He created an entire universe out of nothing. He created time itself. All creatures come from His immense love.


And yet, out of all His creation, He created us, and only us, in His image.


He loves us so much that He wants our love in return. So that we can love Him He gave us the choice to follow Him or to follow our own desires. Unfortunately in the Garden of Eden we chose ourselves over our God.


God therefore picked the Jewish people to prepare a way for His coming. (He knew all this would happen beforehand, but that's not important here.)


God has so much love for us that He sent His angel Gabriel to earth to announce to the Virgin Mary that she was to become the Mother of God. The Holy Ghost used Mary's genetic material so that the Word of God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, could become both God and Man. He did not simply appear on earth in a human guise, out of His great Love He actually became one of us! He loves us so very much that, for our salvation, He even became a human being.


His love led Him to walk this earth and prepare His Church, "the Body of Christ", and to finally suffer and die for our sins. Now that's a lot of love!


God loves us so very much that He sent His Holy Spirit upon the disciples at Pentecost. That same Holy Spirit has been passed down to us by apostolic succession. And we receive the Holy Spirit at Baptism, and again at Confirmation. What/who is this Holy Spirit? The Third Person of the Holy Trinity! That's right. God has so much love for us that He is willing to live inside each one of us, if only we allow Him.


We receive God almighty onto our tongues at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Once again God comes into us, this time physically, out of His sheer love for us.


When the God-Man Jesus ascended into heaven He ascended with His human body. God actually dwells in heaven with a human body. He must love us more than we can imagine.


He also loved His dear mother so much that her body was assumed into heaven along with her soul.


And God loves us so much that He is populating heaven with us. He created angels, but only humans partake in His Body and Blood. Only humans were made in His image. 


Yes indeed God loves us without end. We need to learn to love Him in return.