I was just reading Father Z's blog, "What does the Prayer Really Say?", on the topic of
Pope Francis on the possibility of salvation for atheists
I find analogies to be of great assistance in coming to understand and explain various concepts. That's why I love Jesus' parables. After Fr. Z's post I came across this comment by Father Martin Fox:
Suppose you stand at the threshold of a room. You know there is another door to the room–you must cross the room to the other door–that other door is “Salvation” and that room is “life.”
To be Catholic is to have the maximum light in the room. All the alternatives involve far less light–or, if you don’t mind a change in the metaphor, to have far fewer helps.
The point is, that even with the fullest light, there is no guarantee you will make it. On the other hand, even with a little light, you can make it. Yet having more light is a good thing.
One of the greatest advantages of being Catholic: we have the maximum amount of light as we pass through this world. Unfortunately most of us don't bother to turn the light up very brightly, or we sometimes turn away from what the light shows us. That is called "sin".
Let's learn all we can about the Faith that has been passed down through Apostolic Succession and preserved by the Catholic Church. Especially when we have the resources of the Internet and the ability to check things out with our priests and with priests with an online presence.
Dominus vobiscum, Reg.