Here's a good post on the Holy Name of Mary:
We, the Church militant, must proclaim the love of Christ to the world. While on earth Jesus prepared His Church by giving authority to His disciples and by setting Saint Peter as the Church's head. Most importantly, He gave The Church "The Great Commission": to baptize all nations in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Name of Mary - September 12th (Traditional Calendar)
Here's a good post on the Holy Name of Mary:
My favourite, so here's the link to last year's post:
I found an excellent article about evangelization on the front of Meménto, a newsletter/publication of the FSSP -- Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri (The Priestly Fraternity of
Saint Peter). This piece, addressed Dear Friends of the Fraternity, was written for the June 2016 issue.
I have quoted here some excerpts.
In other words -
Saint Peter). This piece, addressed Dear Friends of the Fraternity, was written for the June 2016 issue.
I have quoted here some excerpts.
"As we observe the increasing violence around the world from those who think that we, as Catholics, are the infidels, God has given us the opportunity to reflect on how strongly we believe the truths of the Holy Faith and how seriously we take them.
The martyrdoms of the Missionaries of Charity in Yemen this past March [of 2016] ... reveal the diabolical hatred of Jesus Christ and His Church."
"Christ commanded the Apostles to teach all nations and to baptize them."
In other words -
"He wants converts to His Church. Not only that, He actually expects all the members of His Church to be true cooperators in this work ..."
"Failure to make efforts to evangelize the Faith -- either by example or by word -- compromises the divinely mandated mission of the Church in her unique work for the salvation of souls."
"So, when Catholics have grown unconcerned about evangelization and fail to live in a habitual state of grace ... this serves to promote the very force that is terrorizing the world." (Emphasis mine.)
"It has become evident that we cannot all just get along -- and maybe that is a good thing -- but how we don't get along is very important. We do not go lopping off heads; rather, with firmness of Faith we go to the Cross and profess unashamedly the divine identity of the Crucified ..."
"Always remember: the weapons of Christianity -- devout prayer, penance, the Rosary, and (most especially) the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass -- wage more terror in hell than a bomb does in an airport."
"No prayer, no sacrifice goes unremarked by our merciful Father in heaven."
- Fr. Gerard Saguto, FSSP
North American District Superior
This prayer is traditionally said for the nine days preceding the Feast of Saint Joseph (March 19th), however it can be prayed at any time during the year.
(The following is to be said seven times in honor of the seven joys and seven sorrows of Saint Joseph.)
Novena to Saint
Glorious Saint Joseph, foster-father and protector of Jesus
Christ! To you I raise my heart and my
hands to implore your powerful intercession.
Please obtain for me from the kind Heart of Jesus the help and the
graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare. I ask particularly for the grace of a happy
death and the special favour I now implore.
[Mention your request here.]
Guardian of the Word Incarnate, I feel animated with
confidence that your prayers on my behalf will be graciously heard before the
throne of God.
(The following is to be said seven times in honor of the seven joys and seven sorrows of Saint Joseph.)
V. O glorious St. Joseph, through the love you
bear to Jesus Christ, and for the glory of His Name.
R. Hear my prayers and obtain my petitions.
Photo from
Before talking about the money being spent by the Ontario government to promote their evil sex-ed program let's have a quick overview of what is happening.
Times are truly frightening. Satin seems to be having his way.
Consider what happened in the most recent federal and provincial (Ontario) elections:
1) Even though the Ontario Liberal government was embroiled in controversy and scandal the electorate somehow gave them a majority.
2) Federally the Liberals made two "mistakes" that should have cost them the election: 1) their new, (rather) young leader refused to accept anyone with pro-life beliefs as a candidate and 2) he promised to give us a few years of deficit budgets.
They, too, won a majority in the federal House of Parliament.
These problems should have given them a minority government at the best. But we are in a spiritual warfare. Logic no longer matters. Evil keeps winning even when people ought to know better.
In Ontario THIS is happening.
Part of the controversial program includes "Gender theory" is going to be compulsory to be taught in all schools, including Catholic schools. They want to claim that one's gender is 'fluid' throughout one's life and that their can be as many as 63 genders.
From the LifeSite News article:
"Ontario Liberals paid $4 million for TV ads pushing graphic sex-ed curriculum... Education Minister Liz Sandals also reveals she opposed MPPs holding constituency community meetings on contentious the sex-ed curriculum, which was rolled out in Ontario’s publicly funded schools September 2015, and that she was especially concerned the LGBTQ community was satisfied with the sex-ed television ads.The sex-ed curriculum introduces homosexuality in Grade 3, masturbation in Grade 6, oral and anal sex in Grade 7, and teaches that there are six genders rather than two biological sexes, according to a detailed analysis by Campaign Life Coalition."..."The Ontario Liberal government spent $4 million in taxpayers dollars on an online and television advertising campaign in September 2015 to sell its controversial sex-ed curriculum."
Holy Michael archangel,Defend us in the day of battle;Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil.May God rebuke him we humbly pray,And do thou, prince of the heavenly host,By the power of God,Thrust down to hell Satan and all wicked spirits who wander through the worldFor the ruin of souls.Amen.
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