Saint Peter). This piece, addressed Dear Friends of the Fraternity, was written for the June 2016 issue.
I have quoted here some excerpts.
"As we observe the increasing violence around the world from those who think that we, as Catholics, are the infidels, God has given us the opportunity to reflect on how strongly we believe the truths of the Holy Faith and how seriously we take them.
The martyrdoms of the Missionaries of Charity in Yemen this past March [of 2016] ... reveal the diabolical hatred of Jesus Christ and His Church."
"Christ commanded the Apostles to teach all nations and to baptize them."
In other words -
"He wants converts to His Church. Not only that, He actually expects all the members of His Church to be true cooperators in this work ..."
"Failure to make efforts to evangelize the Faith -- either by example or by word -- compromises the divinely mandated mission of the Church in her unique work for the salvation of souls."
"So, when Catholics have grown unconcerned about evangelization and fail to live in a habitual state of grace ... this serves to promote the very force that is terrorizing the world." (Emphasis mine.)
"It has become evident that we cannot all just get along -- and maybe that is a good thing -- but how we don't get along is very important. We do not go lopping off heads; rather, with firmness of Faith we go to the Cross and profess unashamedly the divine identity of the Crucified ..."
"Always remember: the weapons of Christianity -- devout prayer, penance, the Rosary, and (most especially) the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass -- wage more terror in hell than a bomb does in an airport."
"No prayer, no sacrifice goes unremarked by our merciful Father in heaven."
- Fr. Gerard Saguto, FSSP
North American District Superior