Halloween: The eve of the Feast of All Saints. A CHRISTIAN CELEBRATION and NOT PAGAN IN ORIGIN.

Halloween is an important Christian day  --  the eve of the Feast of All Saints.

Every year though I read people asking whether or not it is "OK" for a Christian to celebrate Halloween.
The answer is a resounding YES!

Our modern world is being strongly influenced by the enemy.  Satin is convincing people that he simply does not exist and that hell does not exist.
Halloween reminds us of our own mortality and of the FACT that evil exists.
We are fighting a battle.  One that is more important than a simple "life or death" war.  This war is for our immortal souls.  If we begin to forget evil, when we stop thinking about the four last things (Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell) we put more than our mortal lives in danger.  We risk our own immortal lives and the lives of everyone else.  This is a battle we cannot fight alone.  For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.Ephesians 6:12

Not only that but the very celebration is a Catholic (and therefore Christian) day.
My major beef with the way we celebrate Halloween is two-fold:  1) That we tone down evil and turn it into a fun time with no actual admission that evil exists.  2)  That society celebrates the eve of All Saints Day but not the Feast itself.  That is like celebrating Christmas Eve rather than Christmas.

Others have done research into the myths surrounding Halloween and its origins, so I'll give you links to those sources:

The Reality of Evil Points Us Toward the Good


Much of the modern aversion to Halloween, I think, stems from the same unwillingness to acknowledge the reality of evil. But there's a reason why we dress up as ghouls and goblins on the night before we celebrate the feast of All Saints Day, and, despite the claims of supposed satanists and Wiccans and anti-Halloween Christians like Jack Chick, it's actually a Christian reason: We believe in a world that extends beyond the one that we can see, a world in which angels and demons do contest for the souls of men, and the Prince of Lies grows in power by convincing people that he does not exist.
If for no reason other than the fact that it reminds us that, as Hamlet tells his friend, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy," Halloween is worth celebrating.

The Christian Origins of All Hallows Eve


The Christian Origins of Halloween

"Halloween" is a name that means nothing by itself. It is a contraction of "All Hallows Eve," and it designates the vigil of All Hallows Day, more commonly known today as All Saints Day. ("Hallow," as a noun, is an old English word for saint. As a verb, it means to make something holy or to honor it as holy.) All Saints Day, November 1, is a Holy Day of Obligation, and both the feast and the vigil have been celebrated since the early eighth century, when they were instituted by Pope Gregory III in Rome. (A century later, they were extended to the Church at large by Pope Gregory IV.)

Finally there's another good resource again addressing the false pagan origins of Halloween:

 The belief that Halloween is pagan in origin is a myth. Many neo-pagan websites claim that it was an attempt by early Christians to “baptize” the Gaelic harvest festival of Samhain. Because of this persistent myth, some Christians are hesitant to participate in anything associated with Halloween.

Holy Michael Archangel, defend us in the day of battle; be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. -- May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust down to hell Satin and all the wicked spirits, who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.

SYNOD BISHOPS REVOLT -- John Zuhlsdorf covers this well.

The infamous document "Relatio" released by the Synod on the Family in Rome has received praise from non-Catholics and the Mass Media.  It has also has had faithful Catholics up in arms.

This 'mid-way' document apparently is riddled with errors and statements not endorsed by the Bishops present.

Father Z sums it up well, so I'll direct you to his blog entry.

We must continue to pray for our shepherds.  God has ordained His ministers and given them great responsibility.  If they lead the flock astray they will have to answer to Our Lord for their sins of commission and omission.  That is true for all of us, but our leaders, those entrusted with the souls of their flock, have a greater responsibility than most of us.


¡Hagan lío! Synod Bishops revolt against leadership and get their way – UPDATE!





The Extraordinary Synod on the Family -- some observations


I came across this tonight and I thought is very appropriate at this time:
"Again, family change and religious change go hand in hand."
That's from 

How the West Really Lost God: An Interview with Mary Eberstadt

- Crisis Magazine

  We really need to pray for our bishops.  The report, blasted by Cardinal Burke, has many non-Catholic errors in it.  

Cardinal Burke: Synod's mid-term report "lacks a solid foundation in the Sacred Scriptures and the Magisterium"

 From the above:

" Cardinal Raymond Burke, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura   ...   has expressed concern over several aspects of the Synod, including the push for changes in the handling of Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics and the waky that information about the Synod is being, in his words, "manipulated." 

Cardinal Burke responded late yesterday to questions from Carl E. Olson, editor of Catholic World Report, about his concerns, his view of the mid-term report, and why he thinks a statement from Pope Francis is "long overdue." "

 From what I'm hearing there is (little or) no talk of salvation and what we are being saved from.  Sinners need to be called to repentance, not have there sins blessed.  To receive Our Lord in Holy Communion without turning from our sin brings us further to perdition.  Do many of these bishops even believe in sin and hell anymore?

Here's a commentary.  Skip ahead to the 35 second mark. (At times the style can be off-putting to some, but it is worth watching for information.)

Satin is hard at work here, just as he was when Our Lord walked this earth ... even causing one of the original bishops to betray Jesus.

 has this to say:

" The Holy Father has been very good in lecturing priests and telling us what to do. We are to go out into the world and “make a mess.” We are to “smell like the sheep.” We are to welcome all with compassion, forgiveness and mercy. We are to be good and kind pastors who administer the sacraments with care and concern. We are to seek out the poor, castigate the rich, side with the unfortunate, heal the sick, support the immigrants and reach out to the lowly. We are to welcome the divorced and remarried, not judge those with same sex attraction and open the doors of the church to all with a warm hearted and affirming form of evangelization by attraction.

This is a message I endorse and embrace. I want to be that kind of priest. I want to be Jesus to the world. I long to care for the poor and hungry, minister to their needs, welcome all to the church as the father welcomes the prodigal. I wish to have the open heart Pope Francis has. I want to show the attractiveness of Christ, the radiant truth of the gospel and the joy of the abundant life that Jesus brings to the world. I long to celebrate the sacraments with love, care, hope, joy and compassion. I want to be the persona Christi, the image of God and the face of the Father not only to my flock, but to all who I meet.

I have heard the words of my Holy Father and taken them to heart. I sincerely want to be that kind of priest.

However, I can only do this if the timeless truths of the Catholic faith are firmly defined and defended. The dogmas, doctrines and disciplines of the Catholic faith are the tools of my trade. They provide the rules for engagement, the playbook for the game, the map for the journey and the content for the mercy and compassion I wish to display. The historic teachings of the Catholic faith, founded on the teachings of Christ the Lord, revealed by divine inspiration and developed through the magisterium of the Catholic Church provide the method for my mercy, the content for my compassion and the only saving truths I have to share. "

  [ Image from http://www.abouttherosary.com]

Glorious St. Michael,
guardian and defender of the Church of Jesus Christ,
come to the assistance of His followers,
against whom the powers of hell are Unchained.
Guard with special care our Holy Father, the Pope, and our bishops, priests,
all our religious and lay people, and especially the children.

St. Michael, watch over us during life,
defend us against the assaults of the demon,
and assist us especially at the hour of death.
Help us achieve the happiness of beholding God face to face for all eternity. 



My post has disappeared.
I've been trying to update the look ... I presume that I messed up.

My concern is that Google, along with my favourite browser Mozilla Firefox, are trying to force social change that is offensive to God.  Firefox even went so far as to fire their CEO (?) for his support of traditional marriage.

I may come back and post links to the news stories, but that's not my focus today.

Dominus vobiscum!


I have been following the pro-abortion arguments for decades.  I have yet to hear one that is logical.  Many are simply emotional arguments that cannot be backed up by any logic.  

Consider the following carefully:

You are conceived as a result of sexual intercourse. What other beginning can a life have?
Making it to your 'second trimester' is nothing more than a mark on the calendar. When your heart begins to beat, when your brain begins to create brain waves ... those are just a part of your development, just as puberty or loosing your baby teeth are.

THERE IS NO POINT IN TIME WHEN WE CAN SAY THAT A LIFE HAS SUDDENLY BECOME THE LIFE OF A HUMAN PERSON. The only times that there are any changes in our actual being is, firstly, at conception, and secondly, at the moment of death.

Between conception and death all we have is growth and decay of the same entity. Since there is no change prior to death other than conception, the only logical point in a life when said life becomes the life of a human person is CONCEPTION. Everything else is merely growth and decay.

Lord have mercy on us!


Every now and then we a privileged by God as He draws us into His closer presence.

After Adoration tonight we celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Ordinary Form).  My mind began to wander during the Prayer of Consecration.  To help bring myself back to the reality of the miracle taking place right before me I began to picture our Lord spilling His blood as He hung on the cross.


The love of God became especially real to me at that moment, as the priest consecrated the wine and it became the Blood of Jesus.
He suffered and died for us so that we may escape eternal suffering in hell.  Our sins require that as a punishment, but God's love caused Him to pay the price for us.
Jesus also had to become God Incarnate so that He could remain present with us on the altars of the Church until the end of time.

And there I was about to receive His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity!
I suddenly felt so "real", so in-tune with the reality of God's eternal presence.

God Himself was placed on my tongue.  God not only entered my spiritually, as at Baptism, He also entered my physically.  And not just me alone.  Tonight He entered each individual assisting at Mass.
Image from http://veneremurcernui.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/holy-sacrifice-of-the-mass-freeing-souls-from-purgatory.jpg

Thank you Lord!

Eternal Father,
I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family.
