Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts


 When you go to Adoration you can never be entirely sure what may happen.

For me it is usually a time of fighting my mind and trying to quiet it in order to fully adore our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament as He is exposed on the altar.

A number of years ago I had a really surprising occurrence.  For the first, and almost only, time in my life I felt TRULY REAL.  

This past Friday Our Lord Jesus Christ surprised me once again, but perhaps in not such a profound way.  Father placed Our Lord in the Monstrance and I had beheld His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity.  That's not unusual of course.  What was different for me this time was that I suddenly became more aware of His "Divinity".  There I was gazing at His human Body, Blood and Soul.  But I became very aware of His DIVINITY, His eternal presence.  I was lost in gazing at the God who exists outside of time.  Our Lord who was with the Father before He created ANYTHING, before time and matter itself.  

Thank you Lord for the spiritual blessings you grant to us from time to time!


Every now and then we a privileged by God as He draws us into His closer presence.

After Adoration tonight we celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Ordinary Form).  My mind began to wander during the Prayer of Consecration.  To help bring myself back to the reality of the miracle taking place right before me I began to picture our Lord spilling His blood as He hung on the cross.


The love of God became especially real to me at that moment, as the priest consecrated the wine and it became the Blood of Jesus.
He suffered and died for us so that we may escape eternal suffering in hell.  Our sins require that as a punishment, but God's love caused Him to pay the price for us.
Jesus also had to become God Incarnate so that He could remain present with us on the altars of the Church until the end of time.

And there I was about to receive His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity!
I suddenly felt so "real", so in-tune with the reality of God's eternal presence.

God Himself was placed on my tongue.  God not only entered my spiritually, as at Baptism, He also entered my physically.  And not just me alone.  Tonight He entered each individual assisting at Mass.
Image from

Thank you Lord!

Eternal Father,
I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family.


"The Fine Tuning of the Universe" by Gerald Schroeder

We must be armed to discuss our faith with many unbelievers.
One thing I come upon, in print and on the internet, is the constant thought by many that science has disproved the 'need' for God.
Here is an interesting article showing how our universe is hard to explain as a simple random event.


The Fine Tuning of the Universe

"According to growing numbers of scientists, the laws and constants of nature are so "finely-tuned," and so many "coincidences" have occurred to allow for the possibility of life, the universe must have come into existence through intentional planning and intelligence.
In fact, this "fine-tuning" is so pronounced, and the "coincidences" are so numerous, many scientists have come to espouse The Anthropic Principle, which contends that the universe was brought into existence intentionally for the sake of producing mankind. Even those who do not accept The Anthropic Principle admit to the "fine-tuning" and conclude that the universe is "too contrived" to be a chance event."

God be with you!

(Image from