Showing posts with label Way of the Cross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Way of the Cross. Show all posts


 It's been a while since I've been able to begin to work on this blog/site.  (I crashed my computer and it took me a long time to find a replacement.  You can't use Blogger (the way I want to) when all you have is a phone.)

Important page for Lent:  THE WAY OF THE CROSS.

I've been using this version for privately years.  I love how the prayer for each station goes along with the Act of Contrition.  "Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee.  I detest all my sins ..."

However, it is hard at times to REALLY believe what one is praying.  Station Seven, for instance, has me telling God that "I would rather die than ever offend thee again."

Have a blessed Lent everyone.

Lenten meditations

This Lent I find music to be of help.
The Way of the Cross is a wonderful meditation, along with the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary.

O SACRED HEAD(By St. Bernard Of Clairvaux)

O Sacred Head surrounded
By crown of piercing thorn!
O bleeding Head, so wounded, 
Reviled and put to scorn! 
Death's pallid hue comes o'er Thee, 
The glow of life decays, 
Yet angel hosts adore Thee 
And tremble as they gaze. 

I see Thy strength and vigor 
All fading in the strife, 
And death, with cruel vigor, 
Bereaving Thee of life; 
O agony and dying! 
O love to sinners free! 
Jesus, all grace supplying, 
O turn Thy face on me! 

In this Thy bitter Passion, 
Good Shepherd, think. of me, 
With Thy most sweet compassion, 
Unworthy though I be; 
Beneath Thy Cross abiding,
'Forever would I rest, 
In Thy dear love confiding, 
And wilth Thy presence blest.