- He made us in His image.
- He gave us free will so we can choose to obey and love Him or not to.
- When our first parents sinned He promised to send a saviour (Genesis 3:15).
- The Second Person of the Holy Trinity, the Word of God, did not simply appear on earth in human form. God protected Mary from original sin so that the Holy Spirit could fertilize one of her ova with Jesus, and therefore Jesus was completely without sin. Imagine that -- God prepared a human girl to be His earthly mother. God thinks so highly of us that He accepts a human being as His Mother. Not a foster mother but a biological mother.
- Jesus suffered and died for us. God thinks so highly of us that He took our sins upon His sinless self and allowed Himself to be mocked and killed.
- God thinks so highly of us that he raised Jesus from the dead and He appeared in His resurrected and glorified human body to His disciples. Having instructed the disciples and prepared them for the institution of the Church He ascended into heaven -- body and soul.
- We are so important to God that the Second Person of the Holy Trinity sits at the right hand of God the Father with a human body!
- The importance of all men and women is further proved by the fact that Mary was assumed, body and soul, into heaven. God then crowned Mary, a human being, as the Queen of Heaven. We are more than mere slaves.
- Remember this: Jesus initially spoke of us as servants. Later we are called His friends. Finally, he declares that He is our Brother. God is 'wholly other', but through Jesus, He is also our brother.
- God comes to us all the time. We receive His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity at each Mass.
- The Third Person of the Holy Trinity has not only visited us throughout time, He also came into mere mortals on the day of Pentecost. He enters each one of us at Baptism and Confirmation.
We must always glorify and adore God. He is far different than us. He is perfect, all loving, all knowing, all merciful, and also just.
Therefore we strive to be perfect, just as God is perfect. In that way we are fanatics. But never think of yourself as a mere slave.
Dominus tecum, Reg.
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